i bought new perfume today..
kinda like it very much..
the smell make me feels good..
i bought this one...
in replaced with this one...
which i have been using this for nearly 2 years
(this was a birthday present from my sayang on my 22nd)
as i went buying it with my sayang at Mid Valley this morning..
he also decided to buy one...
which is this one...
thus, we have same perfume with different smell..
eh how can it be?
same perfumes meaning same fragrance la kan?
the body shop white musk eau de toilette
the fragrance!
very sexy and soft!
kinda LOVE it!!
i bought new perfume today..
kinda like it very much..
the smell make me feels good..
i bought this one...
in replaced with this one...
(this was a birthday present from my sayang on my 22nd)
as i went buying it with my sayang at Mid Valley this morning..
he also decided to buy one...
which is this one...
thus, we have same perfume with different smell..
eh how can it be?
same perfumes meaning same fragrance la kan?
the fragrance!
very sexy and soft!
kinda LOVE it!!
suya suka body shop jugak
Currently me guna banyak perfumes BS
Ikut mood. Tapi mood dating me guna white musk..hehehe lain2 zestini bau fresh,Amorito bau chocolate and aztique.. Bau yang unik.
Sweet nyer u all, beli a couple fragrance :p
ya la..first time i used BS shop i kinda like it..die punye fragrance tu mcm best je kan..xrancang pon nak beli fragrance same.. :)
woo..mesti u expert bab2 body shop punye product kan?:)
mencari2 perfume burberry
heeeee~carik perfume mahal jer..mest bau die lagi best kan? :D
nice one:)
u're followed. do follow me kalo sudi :)
xaci ni asik2 kuar dating jek..
jelez i..hahahaha..
no la..gurau2 jek.. :)
srnk de perfume br ye..
moga ko always ceria n hepi.. :)
love body shop too ;)
eimaneel : thanks sudi follow :)
tengku : bukan dating la..pegi pon sejam je..lagipon mid valley dekat je dr sini :) tq syg.. :)
princess : tu la..saya pon da stat suke :)
luv u! tapi i normal tau:)
# same la, suke posing kat fountain..
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