Assalamualaikum! are you guys?
i hope all of us are in the pink of health..
it's been a long time since last i am updating my entry isn't it?
it's a bit chaotic over here..
last week i've been in KL for 4 days attending friend's wedding..
for that i'll do another entry because it's too long to be compress in this entry..
today i'll story about my trip to malacca last week..
my bestfriends osya and hani came over to my house and had a 3 days and 2 nights vacation here.. :)
so i thought i need to bring my 'guest' somewhere so that there will not having a boring vacation by just watching TV or playing with my cats, lulu and wawa..
there we go..
MALACCA, here we come!
owh before that we also invited nad and ayu to come along with us..
since they are malaccarian, so it's best to have them as our tourist guide!
and luckily they bring along their malacca friend, zuera..
zuera seems pretty familiar where to bring us to..
if depends on nad and ayu, i wonder where they will bring us :P are you guys?
i hope all of us are in the pink of health..
it's been a long time since last i am updating my entry isn't it?
it's a bit chaotic over here..
last week i've been in KL for 4 days attending friend's wedding..
for that i'll do another entry because it's too long to be compress in this entry..
today i'll story about my trip to malacca last week..
my bestfriends osya and hani came over to my house and had a 3 days and 2 nights vacation here.. :)
so i thought i need to bring my 'guest' somewhere so that there will not having a boring vacation by just watching TV or playing with my cats, lulu and wawa..
there we go..
MALACCA, here we come!
owh before that we also invited nad and ayu to come along with us..
since they are malaccarian, so it's best to have them as our tourist guide!
and luckily they bring along their malacca friend, zuera..
zuera seems pretty familiar where to bring us to..
if depends on nad and ayu, i wonder where they will bring us :P

for me history is the most hated subject during school last time.. T_T

since it's just next to the building we went above, it's nice for us to have a visit here :P

see u next time!!!~
okay short update!
last week there were a rombongan merisik from amir's family..
insyaAllah the engagement will be held soon..
praying that everything will gonna be fine..ameeen!

(this picture was taken right after we bought the ring..
that's why the price tag still there :P)
ok people..
will update soon..
wahhh,,bestnyee jenjalan...da lme x pegi melaka..=)
fokus kt mineral bottle tu, hikk...
latest en3: fast five
bestnye jalan2..hehe..
kawan ko ni belum balik lagi..
xdapek nak jalan-jalan.. T_T
waa,dah nak tunang..
congrates besties..^_^
p/s : ko tunang nanti buat la time aku di semenanjung ye..hieee..nak gak tengok kawan baik aku ni..
sgtt photogenic la awk nih!suke!!mmg tol pon the fabulous farhana ryte..hihikk..nice to know more bout u pinky! :))
bestnya ^^
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